It might not feel like it at the moment but Spring / Summer are just around the corner, so what better time to book in for your dog / puppy training session at Ian The Dog Trainer. We come to you & help you & advise you on how to get the best from your pet. And if you just need a refresher / follow up lesson, no time like the present - make it happen. So whether you're in Melbourne or on the Mornington Peninsula, just call & get your pet & family all set for Summer! Remember, a well behaved puppy/dog is a great pet to have around.
Ian on the Hot Breakfast
Listen to Ian talking to the Triple M Hot Breakfast Team
Meika, Parkville
Your advice was brilliant after sales service and beyond what you often receive these days. We really appreciated it and in conjunction with your earlier, quality one on one training you gave both her and us from the outset, we have had a lovely first summer with our first little four legged friend.
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