What sort of training do you choose for your puppy / dog? One on one training from an experienced Dog Trainer or group puppy / dog training?

Group training provides general information and you'll need to attend the sessions over consecutive weeks, one on one training doesn't take weeks and is personalised to suit you and your puppy / dog and it's all conducted at your home.

At home one on one training with an experienced dog trainer is very specific to your goals and requirements so it’s a good idea to identify what your goals and needs are as a dog owner and then choose the best solution suited to your situation and your puppy or dog.

Gaining effective control of your dog around the home means having clear rules, guidelines and boundaries in place and this can be achieved with hands on training with your dog and an experienced dog trainer at your home and surrounding neighourhood, right where everything is happening.

And learning effective control at home can lead into having effective control around the local area too and this goes a long way towards being a responsible dog owner and respecting the local public guidelines within your neighbourhood, local park etc..

Other advantages to training with an experienced dog trainer are that training around the local area exposes your puppy or dog to numerous environmental stimuli such as other animals, people, and sounds, teaching your puppy or dog to focus in more challenging settings.

Outdoor one on one training also incorporates physical and mental activity, beneficial for a dog’s health plus activities like sit, drop, stay with all the added real world distractions to assist in gaining effective, positive control of your dog and therefore creating a solid foundation for the future.

For more information go to the Contact Ian Page

At Ian The Dog Trainer we help owners and their puppys or dogs communicate better through learned commands such as sit, stay, and come, making the puppys or dogs easier to manage. How much more relaxing to have a well behaved dog that knows to follow commands, doesn't jump up on the furniture, the family, the friends, and is just a joy to have as part of the family and household. So no need to go to puppy school, or send your dog to daycare, get a walker in etc., save money, train your dog with Ian The Dog Trainer, follow the advice and instructions, be consistent on a daily basis and you will reap the benefits. PS And no food training, this is hands on training, keeping it simple and uncomplicated so that it's easy for everyone in the household and you will have exactly what you want, a well behaved dog.

Contact Ian the Dog Trainer to find out how you can deal with separation anxiety your dog may be experiencing.

Puppies are not born with separation anxiety, owners / handlers create it. When you provide a puppy or dog with too much attention and affection it can become dependent as opposed to independent.

Dependent puppies and dogs will be most likely to bark, cry, chew everything and be a general nuisance and these puppies and dogs may develop separation anxiety.

Now I’m not saying that independent puppies and dogs don’t exhibit bad behaviour because they do, but it doesn’t mean that the label of separation anxiety applies.

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The three stages of your puppy’s life are:

  • 8-20wks – puppy stage – the most crucial learning and conditioning period
  • 20wks – 7mths – adolescent – cheeky teenager period
  • 7mths – 15yrs - adult

Acceptable behaviour as an adult dog is acceptable behaviour as a puppy. Don’t allow your puppy to get away with behaviour that you do not want it to exhibit when it is an adult dog. Set your expectations really high, not really low.

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Investing in the learning and development of your puppy or dog is so important.

You have paid a small fortune for your new family member, and you want it to fit in with your household, your lifestyle and to be a joy to have around.

Problem is you are time poor, you work, have responsibilities, kids need to get places, catching up with friends is important, then there are all the weekly chores to take care of but you really want a well behaved puppy or dog.

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I mentioned in my article on digging that giving a dog a nice fresh bone can result in the dog digging a nice big hole in the garden.

There are other more significant problems with bones that I have seen over my many years training domestic dogs at people’s homes.

In summer time bones will attract ants, flies, birds, wasps including the European Wasp.

Bones can become lodged in a dog’s throat, gut or abdomen causing unnecessary and costly surgery. And many dogs will vomit shortly after ingesting a bone.

The old adage ‘’Like a Dog with a Bone’’ is based on the real issue that some dogs become more protective over bones. Over protective behaviour can become aggressive behaviour and this is not breed dependant – it can happen in all breeds.

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It might not feel like it at the moment but Spring / Summer are just around the corner, so what better time to book in for your dog / puppy training session at Ian The Dog Trainer. We come to you & help you & advise you on how to get the best from your pet. And if you just need a refresher / follow up lesson, no time like the present - make it happen. So whether you're in Melbourne or on the Mornington Peninsula, just call & get your pet & family all set for Summer! Remember, a well behaved puppy/dog is a great pet to have around.

Dogs that dig are doing so for a reason and not because they are suffering from boredom, or simply wish to upset you by destroying the garden beds, lawns, and sprinkler systems.

There are certain breeds such as Malamutes, Huskies and Samoyeds that like to lie in cooling holes and there’s no better place to dig a cooling hole than in a nice shady part of the garden.

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